10/03/07 10:01PM
So I'm in elpaso, Tx and were working on a 2 million gallon water tank and I'm really liking it here! its be a lot cooler weather than was expexted....we were expexting it to be around 95-97 but its...
View Article.."I'd still pick my friends over you"...
Oh man....I could go on and on about the new found glory show and tell u all how that the place was maxed out on their maximum occupancy which made the show so awesome!! Ppl were passing out from the...
View Article10/20/07 11:32PM
So I went to balloon fiesta...just 100 balloons...something about the wind wasn't right..BUTT anyway I'm only home for a couple of days and it feels soooo nice to be in my own bed! We are going to...
View Articlegoing home...
So I flew out be with my family in ga for thanksgiving! It was so nice to be with them :) I'm ready for my trip back in december! I'm at the jacksonville airport about to board...:( I don't wanna go...
View Articlegoing back home!
So I'm in the airport in houston Tx and I'm totally excited about getting to J-ville and seeing my parents! and summer too :) she won't be at the airport though :( but I'm still excited about just...
View Article02/02/08 9:58PM
So I'm back to being my old self! I've managed to catch a stomach virus, cold/flu and bronchitis all in 2 1/2 weeks time, but I'm very thankful to have really good insurance! I've had insurance through...
View Articleteeth the size of piano keys...
Its crazy how we go thru life and we meet people.some become friends, and others are just aquaintances. I havent really made any friends since I moved here. I have met some cool people but they have...
View Article03/10/08 10:03PM
So its about time for a new post haha! Life is great right now I'm working in elpaso Tx and this should be our last week here for a while! We are gonna be working in albuquerque for a few week. It...
View Article07/05/08 1:17PM
Ok so Im guessing that maybe I need to go ahead and post something new! SOOO be prepared for a buncha boring stuff :) Work: Its good great and...wonderful? lol Its still the same as before....I like...
View Articlechillin with the parents
I'm back home!! But I leave in a few hours :( ill post more when I'm at the airport :)
View Article09/01/08 11:14PM
So I was able to fly home for the weekend an let me tell you what! I haven't seen my family for 8 months and that's 8 months toooo long! Haha So I guess ill update on my life and the things that have...
View ArticleWHAT?!
So a new season of the office is out (actally its been out for a couple of weeks now, I'm just a little late on getting around to buying it) and I'm gonna be its new owner this friday! Nothing new has...
View Articlethis is side one, flip me over! i know im not youre favorite record ;)
I'm on my way to work and its a long drive! Its already getting cold here in albuquerque ! I can't believe it haha because I'm from Georgia and it doesn't get cool outside until early november! Don't...
View Article10/11/08 9:57PM
Wow so I've been really busy! Work has picked up so that means more traveling all over the place! I've been in Dallas for a few days working on a tank for a sewage system. I have to admit that its...
View Article..."shes so old i bet if she broke her leg gravy would pour out.."
Its almost friday ( I think maybe another hour and freedom will ring!!) So I'm sitting at the kitchen table eating raisin bran! Mmmm gotta keep them bowels a movin! Lol I'm a retard I kno! Me:" so I'm...
View Articlefind another place to feed your greed while I find a place to rest..
Man I'ts been a while since I last updated! I guess ill update haha! I've been working at the shop here for the past three months..there haven't been any tanks to build until now. We're (my crew and I...
View Article03/08/09 1:18PM
It seems I can never post on a regular basis! I, like always, don't have anything really exciting to post about. I have my Macbook back and Im pretty stoked about that! Lately I have learned to be...
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